duminică, 3 februarie 2013

"Astenie de februarie" si o carte buna...

Inca de cand am deschis ochii pe 1 februarie parca mi-au disparut cheful de viata si cam toata energia din ianuarie... Hai sa zicem ca este un fel de "Astenie de februarie"... Asa ca incerc cu toate fortele proprii si nu numai, sa ma inveselesc si sa imi regasesc motivatia....

Ever since I opened my eyes on February 1st it felt like all my energy and good mood that I had in January went away... Let's say it's like a "February fatigue"... So I try hard to cheer myself up and find my motivation again...

Ce alta modalitate mai buna decat o carte interesanta care nu te lasa sa o pui inapoi pe noptiera...??

What other way than reading a good book that just won't let you put it back on the night stand...??

Source: http://betterknowabook.wordpress.com/2012/01/21/the-picture-of-dorian-gray-by-oscar-wilde/

"Portretul lui Dorian Gray" de Oscar Wilde este cartea pe care o devorez acum oricat de cate ori am timp si simt nevoia sa evadez din viata mea... ador modul in care sunt pictate personajele si cu cata usurinta este transmis mesajul povestii...

Viata este o serie de greseli si de reusite, orice intamplare si traire isi pune inevitabil amprenta asupra noastra... Din fericire sau din pacate nu toti avem un portret care sa ne preia uratenia si sa ne pastreze vesnic tineri asa ca trebuie sa avem grija de sufletele noastre... 

Ce sa mai zic... Absolut superba carte...

Pana data viitoare... ma duc sa imi termin cartea... :)

"The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde is the book that I am devouring right now every time I can and feel the need to escape from my own life... I love the way the characters are "painted" and how easily the message is transmitted... 

Life is a series of mistakes and successes, every happening and feeling inevitably leaves a mark on us...  Happily or not, we don't have a magical painting  that takes away all the ugliness and keeps us young and beautiful so we need to take very good care of our souls...

What more can I say...This book is amazing...

Until next time... I'm going to finish my book... :)